Surfboard wax you can rely on
Back in the summer of 1984 in a sun-bathed kitchen in Leucadia, California, Britt Galland, just two years out of San Dieguito High School, along with his brother Grant, invented Bubble Gum Surf Wax.
“Even today, no matter who smells Bubble Gum Surf Wax, is brought back to an earlier place in time, its like being a kid in the summertime again, running around with a pocket full of Bazooka bubble gum,” explains Britt Galland, the mad scientist of surf wax. “Bubble Gum’s whole idea — its color, smell, look and feel — was a huge, immediate success.”
We threw a little product out there into the surf industry, stood back and watched what happened,” says Galland. “People flipped out over it. . . . . . and ever since this brand of wax has been keeping the feet of surfers the world over glued to their boards.
After withstanding the test of time, the Galland brothers are moving ahead with continued innovation to keep Bubble Gum Surf Wax on the top shelf. “This is our passion play,” says Britt, we surf everyday all over the world with our friends and family. There is nothing we would rather be doing.
Organic Rob Machado Surf Wax -Tropical - 72°-Up
IDR 60,000
Bubble Gum Surf Wax Gu Wax Top Coat Warm/Trop
IDR 45,000
Original Formula Surf Wax - Tropical - Above 74°
IDR 50,000
Bubble Gum Surf Wax Pineapple Express Top Coat -Warm/Trop- 69º
IDR 50,000